Sound Art Solo Exhibitions and Collaborations
2022/23 Rewilding: Brodgar UMBRELLA with Stephanie Green (GB) on the Orkney Islands (Scotland)
2020 Berlin UMBRELLA with Stephanie Green (GB) at StAnza International Poetry Festival
2015-2019 Exhibitions of UMBRELLA at numerous places in Germany and the Netherlands, e.g. at World Exhibition of Reformation 2017 at Wittenberg (GER)
2015 Artist residency with the international artists group Berlin Rhizom at Treasure Hill Artist Village Taipei and at Yard Theatre Space Gaoshiung (TW)
2014 Artist residency with Berlin Rhizom at KulturBotschaft Wittenberg (GER)
2012 International Sound Art Project klang ort berlin with Peter Cusack (GB) and Sam Auinger (GER)
Grafik: Alexandra Filipp (2019)
Academic Activity
2022 PhD Musicology at the University of Arts, Berlin
2019 Lecturer at Berlin House of Literature Lettrétage: PoetryAudioLab
2014-2018 Lecturer at the University of Arts Berlin
2022 Die Kunst der Dauer. Transformative Erhabenheit in der zeitgenössischen Musik, transcript (Bielefeld).
2012 CD-release Die Waschmaschine von Halberstadt. Ein Musikfeature über das John-Cage-Orgel-Kunst-Projekt. edition steinrich.
2012 Four articles for the european soundblog
2012 Radio play 100 Sätze gegen die Veränderung, Hessischer Rundfunk
2011 Four sound files for the British Art Journal Patricide, 04.2011
2011 Radio feature Stolpersteine, Deutschlandfunk
2010 Radio play Hidden but ever present, Deutschlandradio